About Us
Our Team -
Founder - Ngaio Miller
Ok so basically its just me at the moment that is running this business, but i absolutely love what I do.
I am based out of the beautiful surfing town of Yamba, NSW
Having grown up riding, and my father being a vet, I was very lucky to be surrounded by animals growing up. My creative side came from my mother who is a trained seamstress and would always be in her sewing room creating new garments for me to model.
Now I live with my 3 young kids on acreage near Yamba. We have Kenny our ex race horse and Henry a quarter horse X. I do mainly trail riding but dabble in trying new things.

Our Vision -
Our vision is to energise and inspire the current equestrian rider apparel market with a new take on riding apparel that is both gorgeous and functional. We fuse activewear and horse riding together to launch a fresh, bold and fun clothing brand. For us, its all about adding fun prints and fresh colours that make you feel fabulous, in and out of the saddle. We believe in equestrian diversity and inclusion and are passionate about promoting positive body image, loving the skin your in and creating a community of like-minded women who support each other.
Our Mission
Our mission is to develop a bold and comfortable riding apparel line that is suitable for all riding disciplines. Whether you enjoy bush trails, beach rides, endurance or competition events; the ERA line will have you there in confidence and style. Every women and every kind of body deserves to feel confident , sexy and empowered in their equestrian clothing.
Our vibrant activewear infused apparel line comes in a variety of sizes and prints that are designed to be flattering, comfortable and long lasting. Each print is unique to ERA and every item has been tested to ensure its practicality. We hope you’ll fall in love with our brand as much as we have loved creating it...
Our Values
We value honesty, kindness and inclusivity. ERA want to create a community of horse lovers, where you can feel safe to share video's and pictures of your rides and know you will only be met by support and encouragement. Too many brands value the way the look over how they make people feel.
We want you to feel encouraged to go out and give things a go, to be confident to wear that outfit you love and not worry about what others are doing.
Everyone is on their own horse journey. Just be YOU and own it.
Love, ERA